Moyra Caldecott,
The Lily and the Bull

Mushroom, 1979 [@amazon, e-book @mushroom-books]

I must admit that I really liked this novel. It is set in the time immediately prior to the Thera volcano eruption. The location is on Crete's northern shore, close to Mallia, and directly facing the volcano.

  1. The story unfolds before a backdrop of "Minoans" as imagined by the author's phantasy. Moyra Caldecott is not to blame that there is little certainty about this age, and much scientific debate about almost any detail. Within this "space of possibilities", the author paints an image which is consistent in itself and well suited as the setting for her novel.

  2. She paints a rather elaborate religious system, assuming that religion was a dominating element of the world for those people. She stays just as much within Arthus Evans' flower-power world as is bearable, and as I can concede whan I have a nice day. Ok, ok, it could have been that way...

  3. As the title suggests, this is a love story, written lightly, and just as easily digestible.

Summing up: A readable and convincing novel, bringing the Minoans to life and showing them the way they have been seen mostly in the seventies. I can recommend the book to all who have stayed "hippie" somewhere in their heart.

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